There is one thing that anyone going through infertility will tell you there is no passing on...that is being poked and prodded. The amount of tests, including having your blood drawn and those oh-so uncomfortable vaginal ultra-sounds, are numerous and like it or not, they must be done. But, I'm sure that if you were to ask anyone struggling to get pregnant, the majority of those women would say they don't mind the tests, especially if they can tell you what might be the problem. Ultimately, the end goal is what we are all doing it be a mom!
With all that being said, I too have undergone quite a lot of awkward tests and the latest one, the hysterosalpingogram (or HSG) which is when they use dye to check out the uterus and the fallopian tubes, concluded that I have a polyp lesion on my uterus that needs to be removed. Really, it is nothing serious. The doctor is not worried about the polyp but assures me they will send it to pathology to test it just to be certain. The main importance of getting this polyp removed is to leave a debris-free uterus ready and willing to "house" a baby when the time comes (and how we will get there will hopefully be what we find out during out next appointment after this procedure).
Am I scared about this procedure? Aw, slightly. I have never had to undergo anything like this before. I have to be knocked out, really for my own comfort, but there is always that part of the paperwork that they make you sign where it tells you all the risks. The risks include how maybe the procedure could perforate a hole in my uterus or even how I could have an adverse reaction to the procedure and get an infection. Of course, these are not things I want to think about and I know that I am in great hands with my doctor. And I certainly can't dwell on this before the procedure. I am sure that would do wonders for my blood pressure!
All in all, I am just trying to go into tomorrow (the procedure is at 1:30) thinking about how great it will be afterwards to move on with the whole fertility process and finally get the diagnosis from the doctor and to eventually find out our plan of attack! And really, my biggest gripe about this procedure is the fact that I can't eat 8 hours before it! Um, yeah, that is NOT going to be easy. I am going to be teaching in the morning and I have to say, I am a snacker throughout my day. LOL! And to top it off, it is Friday and on Friday's our department has treats. Just what I need, sugary temptation laughing at me. I told the doctor, me not eating won't bode well for my students. ;) Hope I don't "bite" their heads off. I could always wake up at 4am to eat a big breakfast, very tempting, but I think my hour and half more of sleep will be better for me. So, off to gorge myself with food tonight in the attempts to fill my stomach somewhat before tomorrow. And hopefully my good friend Christa who is taking me to my appointment isn't tempted to videotape me coming out of the appointment, coming off of the anesthesia. I can almost guarantee that I will be talking up a storm and it will all be nonsense!
Here goes nothing!
praying for you love....hope all went well