But now I am getting away from what I am really thinking about, which ultimately is good I suppose. My last post was about our FET, or frozen embryo transfer, that took place on Thursday, June 30th. Dr. S called it a successful transfer and then proceeded to tell us the process for the next couple of weeks, known in the IVF world as the dreaded 2ww (the 2 week wait). What the wait refers to is knowing whether or not the embryo implanted and really whether or not we are pregnant (ha, we! Of course I mean the collective whole of the hubby and I as a couple, LOL!) .
This 2ww started with me being on bed rest for 72 hours. UGH! Yes, it seems just as long or even longer than you can imagine. I like a good lazy day just as much as the next person, but I am somewhat of a get up and go kind of gal, and I guess I don't mind being lazy...until I am told that I HAVE to be. =/ Don't get me wrong, I followed the doctor's orders. I was to stay in a reclined/laying position for 45 minutes and then could get up and move around a bit for 15 every hour. I never did stay up that long of course. I usually just would get up and pee and then hurry back to my indented spot of the couch. I feel like the couch now has the perfect mold of my big ol' butt! So, what do you do during 3 days of immobility? The answer is anything you can to keep your mind off of an achy back and butt! Oh, and your impending probability of being preggers!
I watched endless amounts of the Sex and the City series (shockingly I even got my hubby in to some episodes...ok, not shocking right? Not with all the T&A now that I think about it. LOL!). I read a fantastic book that I am expecting my sophomores to be reading this summer. Definitely got in some Internet surfing (it's amazing how much more I learned about the IVF process during that time) and even accomplished a True Blood 3rd season marathon! And I even had a couple of upbeat friends call, text, message and some who even visited and who were fortunate to see a new "side" of me (haha, =) Thanks Jenn and Amanda for your help!)!!! Needless to say, I survived my bed rest!
However, how about the 7 days after that?! Now it's all about continuing to relax, thinking positive, lots of prayers, and trying to stay busy. I have some friends going through this very same process and it's funny to touch base a couple of days here and there into their 2ww. It is a consensus I believe that patience, although a virtue, is a bitch during this time (excuse my french)! But with the end goal in mind, IT IS ALL WORTH IT!
I certainly didn't think I would have this long of a rant today. Geez, you must be thinking...Wow, we can tell someone has been a little cooped up! Yes, I feel a little like Chatty Kathy these days. So I am sure, as I have had many friends ask, you are probably wonder when we will know the BIG news. Today was a blood test to check progesterone and estrogen levels and to start monitoring my hCG levels (those are the ones that end up telling us if we are preggers or not). The test this morning won't give us any crucial information. We have one more minor blood test on Thursday and then the pregnancy test on Saturday. I was informed today that they were lowering my progesterone in oil shots down from 2cc to 1cc. Those are the shots in the a$$ that are giving me knots the size of Texas. Ok, that is a bit of a dramatic statement. But I wouldn't put them past being the shape the size of of large grape. The hubby just said, "Oh honey, those are the size of peanuts." Um, you wanna bet? And let's just say I would win this one! LOL! And then I have had 1 more med added to my regimen, making it up to 5. Phew! That's a lot of hormones for one crazy little chick!
So, we wait. And I appreciate all my lovely friends and family who are waiting just as anxiously with us. The big question is whether or not we will reveal our outcome of the pregnancy test here on the blog when we find out. Some wonder if maybe it is jumping the gun a little because it would be quite early in the pregnancy and we all know that things can happen (I am one of those cautious some at points during the deliberation of to tell or not to tell) but others think that I have already laid my heart, soul, emotions, and a$$ out on the line this far, so why stop now. =) I truly think that is my overall frame of mind. No matter what happens, I know I will have love and support from those close to me. We all know the saying, "It takes a village...", well, why not have that village in my most crucial and vulnerable time, right? Guess we'll just have to see how it all plays out. On that note, my apologies for the longest post in history (did it feel long? Sorry. I couldn't help it! Lots to say!) and I will keep you posted!
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