Ever feel like you are on a path that is always go, go, go and then when you are ready and there (I guess there being what you think is your final destination), you have to wait? I feel like this is the point we are at in terms of our fertility ventures. We went through the retrieval at the end of May, and then we were put on a transfer schedule for the middle of June. When I went in for a blood test a couple days after the retrieval I was told I was going to need to wait for the next step (which was to start Estradiol, the starting process of meds for getting ready for the transfer of the embryos which are frozen at this time). They said my estrogen levels were too high.
So, I started Aygestin for 5 days to help place my estrogen levels at the right number. Then, more needles for another blood test. We were original going to do the transfer on June 20th (transfer schedule #1), but then because of the estrogen level snafu, they pushed it back a week to June 27th (transfer schedule #2). Now, I have to admit my impatience at this point is just because I have waited for so long and had so much done up to this point and feel so ready that I am just antsy! But, I completely understand and am fine with waiting as long as I need to in order to make my baby harboring environment 110% completely ready for this task! So, clearly it was time to move ahead with the newest transfer schedule (transfer schedule #2) which meant an appointment for my baseline ultrasound and blood test. This took place on Thursday, June 9th (woohoo for the last day of school and on to summer break!). I thought, what a great way to go into the start of summer! Well, got the call from Dr. S's office that afternoon to confirm what the ultrasound tech had kind of touched on that morning, my uterine lining was too thick. Looks like the transfer schedule was canceled yet again.
During the call that afternoon, the nurse told me that I needed to start taking the Aygestin again for another 5 days (from June 9th until the morning of June 14th) and then call on the first day of now what would be my 2nd AF in the matter of 7 days...oh joy! That ultimately though was a good thing because it allowed me and the honey to make a quick trip home to Northern Nevada to see family and friends for 4 days and to bring my nephew back to spend a week with us in Vegas (and wow has it been a FUN week! =) I am loving having my 5 year old little guy hang out with us)!
AF finally made her return visit on Friday, June 17th and I was back in Dr. S's office Saturday morning for a blood test and what they were calling my baseline ultrasound. I was praying for good news (and a thin uterine lining of course!). Cara, the ultrasound tech, said the uterine lining was looking great (gotta love being told that!) and that barring no problems with my blood test, I would be on again with a new transfer schedule (transfer schedule #3). We got the call yesterday afternoon as we were sight seeing with my nephew that all the tests looked great and we were on for starting the transfer drugs. Thus, last night I started the Estradiol (2 pills at a time, 3 times a day) and also wearing Vivelle patches which are estrogen patches (2 patches at a time for 3 days, then switch with new patches). Apparently I am going to overload with hormones again. In all honesty though, I told the hubby that I think my hormones must naturally be REALLY out of whack, because when I am on all these different drugs and such, I feel great...not emotional or moody as opposed to how I feel off of them. Hmmm, note to self, I will have to get on something post ttc to get those hormones in order.
Now we are into the meds and start blood tests and ultrasounds nearly every other day to monitor my uterus. Our hope is to have the transfer of up to 2 embryos (Dr. S won't do any more than that, good doc. Don't need an octomom experience here!) on June 30th! Fingers are crossed and here's to the perfect thickness of a uterine lining!