My Family

My Family
Our family...of four! We are finally complete!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What if...

I try not to be one of those people that "what if's" everything, but I can't help it sometimes.  What if we did the baby dance (infertility talk for having more hibity-gibity) more while ttc that first year (yeah, I don't think that was possible)...what if I never followed that guy to Vegas (never would have met the man of my dreams)...what if I didn't become a teacher? I mean, it is enough to drive anyone insane! But sometimes it can lead to amazing things.  I am thankful and grateful for what my life is, who is a part of it, and believe it or not, all of the ups and downs that have made me who I am.  With that being said, I wanted to share this video that I saw on another blog, one of my favorites,

Enjoy and remember, it doesn't hurt sometimes to ask...what if???

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